
With it’s experienced management team, Mid River Midstream strives to be the most reliable and cost-effective solution for water management in the industry located in the South and West Texas regions.

MRM Services

  • Salt Water Disposal

    Handling produced fluids responsibly and efficiently through disposal injection wells, where produced water is run through a series of settling tanks prior to injection as Mid River Midstream creates a revenue stream through skim oil sales & disposal fees. MRM has a well-placed network of disposal wells that is among the newest and most efficient in the industry. We maintain our own disposal wells to dispose of saltwater and incidental non-hazardous oil and natural gas wastes.

  • Water Recycling

    Our mobile plants break down emulsions, remove hydrocarbons, oxidize iron and other unwanted varieties, while at the same time eliminating all bacteria and solids content from any water source. The resulting fluids are clear, solids free brines ideal for fracturing operations.

  • Oil Reclamation

    Oil reclamation & tank bottom disposal processes ensures maximum hydrocarbon recover and minimum liability. Our standardized processes ensure best possible recovery, followed by a safe disposal of all remaining waste.

  • Frac Water Treatment

    Our patented systems for frac water management eliminates storage and transportation costs of produced and flowback water by treating the water at, or near, the well pad. MRM's systems include temperature controlled chemical mixing, dissolved air flotation, clarification and integrated PLC control systems. These reliable technologies, backed by experienced personnel, are easily deployed for immediate on-site treatment to improve water management operations.

  • Brine Water Sales

    MRM operates a brine water sales facility. Producing top quality brine water for drilling operations.